Have you ever had a day where no matter how much water you drank you were still thirsty?
One reason for this is our hydration status also depends on mineral balance! When it comes to minerals not all water is equal!
The goal is to fuel our cells with living water, which is powered up with electrolytes and vital nutrients!

What are electrolytes?
According to Pubmed.gov, "Electrolytes are essential for basic life functioning, such as maintaining electrical neutrality in cells, generating and conducting action potentials in the nerves and muscles. Sodium, potassium, and chloride are the significant electrolytes along with magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates."
Sodium is one of the most important electrolytes! It regulates the cell membrane and active transport function of the cell. Deficiency can look like Headaches, confusion, or nausea. Sodium excess can cause difficulty sleeping or feeling restless. It can be found in Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt, carrots, beets, or artichokes.
Potassium helps regulate the balance of sodium and potassium. Deficiency can feel like weakness, fatigue, or muscle twitching. While potassium excess can also show up as muscle weakness, or muscle cramping. Potassium can be found in whole grains, legumes, dates, peaches and bananas.
Magnesium is essential for effective nerve and muscle functioning, yet 55% of Americans are deficient in it (according to the FDA)! It's also known as the anti stress mineral, and is important for converting blood sugar into energy and neurological function. Deficiency can look like confusion, nervousness, or tremors. Magnesium excess can be a diuretic, and be toxic over an extended period of time. It can be found in figs, almonds, nuts or seeds, dark green veggies, and bananas.
Calcium is one of the minerals that American women's diet is most deficient. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Calcium is involved with mineralization of bees and teeth, contraction of muscles including heart rhythm, aids nervous system, blood clotting, and secretion of hormones. Signs of deficiency are back and leg pain, heart palpitations, muscle pains, brittle bones, and tooth decay. Excess of calcium can cause constipation, or increase risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Calcium can be found in collard greens, broccoli, kale, peanuts, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.
Phosphorus is present in every cell. It is essential for kidney function, bone and tooth structure, and is needed for the transference of nerve impulses. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for phosphorus functions. Deficiency can look like loss of appetite, irregular breathing, fatigue and nervousness. It can be found in legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grain.
How can you improve your hydration?
Eat living water! Fruits and veggies that are mostly water are also full of vital nutrients! For hydration grab some, watermelon, cucumber, pineapple, apple, strawberry, or pear. Drinking coconut water is also great for hydration!
Maximize the benefits of your water intake by choosing spring water, filtered well water, or high quality filtered water, and/or add fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice or a little Himalayan or Celtic sea salt to your water (especially if it is distilled)! This will add electrolytes, and positively restructure the water. Speaking or labeling your container with positive words will also positively restructure your water! (Check out Dr. Maseru Emoto for more details.)

The photo on the left is an ice crystal frozen from severely polluted water. The photo on the right is the same water refrozen after having been blessed by Dr. Emoto.
Walking barefoot (grounding/earthing) on non-treated grass or dirt will also help balance the body for better hydration as your body absorbs the negative ions from the ground.
EMFs also dehydrate our bodies. Be mindful of balancing your time spent with technology with time spent outside. Earthing and grounding is also helpful with this!